
Mourning the Self: Treatment of the Unrepresentable Dimension of the Reality of Death in Cinema
Mélancolie | Lars von Trier | 2011 - Juste La Fin Du Monde | Terry Misseraoui | 2017
Vladimir Broda - Michèle Benhaim

Université Aix-Marseille

Put politics, ethics and aesthetics in crisis
Saló or the 120 days of Sodom, by Pasolini | 1975
Isée Bernateau

Université Paris 7

The gaze by the camera / Cinema, puberty scenes and juvenile sexual theories

Christian Bonnet, Clarisse Vollon, Guy Gimenez, Julie Chevalier

AMU, Aix Marseille Univ

The Battle of Chile: image, poetry, memory
The nostalgie of the lumiere | Patricio Guzmán | 2010
Derek Humphreys

Maître de Conférences, HDRVolver a línea automática
UTRPP – EA 4403, Université Paris 13

Dolan’s trilogy: two or three?
Xavier Dolan | I killed my mother | 2009 | Heartbeats | 2010 | Laurence anyways | 2012
Nicolas Rabain

Université d’aix-Marseile

Live without founding. Politics and psychoanalysis, again
We | Tristan García | Original publisher: Grasset
Daniel Liotta

Professor of philosophy in literary preparatory classes.

Cinema as a passer of the real
L’envahisseur | Nicolas Provost | Bélgica 2011
Eduardo Laso y Juan Jorge Michel Fariña

Buenos Aires’ University

Frida Kalho: the look of cinema
Frida, naturaleza viva | Paul Leduc, 1983 | Frida | Julie Taymor, 2002
Delphine Scotto Di Vettimo

Aix-Marseille Université