This article is, for the time being, only available in Spanish: Heroínas de serie
JULY 2019
July 2019 - October 2019
Escuela de la Orientación Lacaniana, Argentina
Asociación Mundial de Psicoanálisis
The expansion of the serial-form –described by G. Wajcman– is the aesthetic and narrative correlate of the feminization of the world, according to a hypothesis by J.-A. Miller y E. Laurent. Given that such a mutation necessarily carries large subjective transformations, this paper addresses the “social incidences of feminine sexuality”– Lacan dixit– and its ethical implications, taking the series of heroines of Game of Thrones as object of analysis.
Key Words: Series | lo femenino| ethics | psychoanalisis
Volume 9 | Nro 2
Etica y Cine (Ethics & Films) is a Peer Reviewed Quarterly Journal Edited by
Department of Psychoanalysis and Department of Deontology, School of Psychology, National University of Cordoba, Argentina
Department of Psychology, Ethics and Human Rights, School of Psychology, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
With the collaboration of:
Center for Medical Ethics (CME), Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Norway
Under the auspicious of:
The International Network of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics.