This article is, for the time being, only available in Spanish: Segregación y Heterodoxia
MARCH 2021 - JUNE 2021
Universidad de Buenos Aires
The article focuses its analysis on the Unorthodox series and develops an idea of the topic of segregation. These idea is raised from two perspectives: from the community and from the protagonist, Esther Shapiro.
From the community perspective, it raises structural segregation inside the relationship between the members of a group and the foreign people.
In the protagonist’s perspective, the article follows the subjective process that leads the young woman to overcome the segregative mechanism and move along to separation and the construction of a new subjectivity. The text goes through the path of the subject in the realization of desire.
Keywords: segregation | community | desire | enjoyment
Volume 11 | N°1
Etica y Cine (Ethics & Films) is a Peer Reviewed Quarterly Journal Edited by
Department of Psychoanalysis and Department of Deontology, School of Psychology, National University of Cordoba, Argentina
Department of Psychology, Ethics and Human Rights, School of Psychology, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
With the collaboration of:
Center for Medical Ethics (CME), Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Norway
Under the auspicious of:
The International Network of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics.