This article is, for the time being, only available in Spanish: La Hija Oscura o lo que el cine puede enseñarnos de lo ominoso infantil y del rechazo a lo femenino en los seres hablantes
Centro de Investigación y Estudios Clínicos (CIEC), Córdoba
This work is based on the fiction of "The Lost Daughter", an original novel written by Elena Ferrante and adapted for film by director Maggy Gyleenhall. From the interpretations that this film presents, a development is made around the concept of the ominous raised by Freud and taken up by Lacan in his teaching, specified in his Seminar on anxiety.
Furthermore, this essay works in relation to the generalized rejection that occurs in speaking beings regarding the feminine, beyond gender. And about the discursive burdens that speaking bodies go through as well as the different positions/outputs with which they deal with desire, enjoyment and the impossible to say. Likewise, we work on the complexity inherent to motherhood, mother-daughter relationships and the uniqueness of parents.
Keywords: The ominous | the feminine | speaking bodies | departures | enjoyment | desire
This article is, for the time being, only available in Spanish: La Hija Oscura o lo que el cine puede enseñarnos de lo ominoso infantil y del rechazo a lo femenino en los seres hablantes
Volumen 13 | Nº 3
Etica y Cine (Ethics & Films) is a Peer Reviewed Quarterly Journal Edited by
Department of Psychoanalysis and Department of Deontology, School of Psychology, National University of Cordoba, Argentina
Department of Psychology, Ethics and Human Rights, School of Psychology, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
With the collaboration of:
Center for Medical Ethics (CME), Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Norway
Under the auspicious of:
The International Network of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics.