Moral and Traveling
Ethical commitment and formal statements in Cahiers du cinéma
David Oubiña

Universidad de Buenos Aires

Kierkegaard and Woody Allen: Humor as the ethical condition of the existential becoming of the individual
Melinda and Melinda | Woody Allen | 2004
Rafael García Pavón

Universidad Anáhuac México

Biopic, memory and nostalgia: a criminal’s biography
El Angel | Luis Ortega | 2018
Alfredo Dillon

Universidad Católica Argentina

«Bad faith», «past» and «death». A reading based on Jean-Paul Sartre’s philosophy
Ikiru | Akira Kurosawa | 1952
Martín Prestía

Universidad de Buenos Aires

Escaleta: Cine y Psicoanálisis

Francisco Cabanillas

USAL, Argentina

Ethics Noir in LA
Mulholland Drive | David Lynch | 2001
Marcos Rafael Cañas Pelayo

Universidad de Córdoba - España

Blade Runner 2049. Year of "miracle"
Blade Runner 2049 | Denis Villeneuve | 2017
Alfonso Roiz Elizondo

Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, México

Nomadland and the negation of the predicate
Nomadland | Chloé Zhao | 2020
Sergio Zabalza

Universidad Nacional del Chaco Austral, Argentina

Cinema in the Vidigal School
A philosophy of struggle and resistance in the favela
Adriana Fresquet, Marta Guedes

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Notes on Alain Badiou and the cinema

Eduardo Laso

Universidad de Buenos Aires